Well, Wednesday I will AGAIN go in for serologic testing, only this time it's an APPROVED test administered by L.A. County, not a private lab.

I guess if it comes up negative this time, I will be amazed but I will have to accept the accuracy of the results and spend the rest of my life wondering just what the hell I did catch at the end of February.
My first antibody test basically said “failed to seroconvert” which is “negative” but it’s not a hard negative, it just means the test did not detect anything useful.
The good news is, if it turns out I do have CV19 antibodies, I will be donating blood to the Red Cross. They are seeking survivor blood donations to help CV19 patients recover.
And if I am negative, I'll donate blood anyway.

Funny thing is, the last time I ever donated, I fell over like a ton of bricks. Nurses woke me up with a little glass of orange juice and a couple of cookies. I was so embarrassed but they thought it was hilarious and assured me that they get LOTS of big macho guys who faint when they get blood drawn and it's just a physiological issue having nothing to do with any macho bravery or anything.
So okay, as long as they have the little glass of OJ and a couple of cookies, I'll take the chance and maybe this time I won't plotz like a wussy.

And again, I actually do hope I caught and recovered from CV19 because at least KNOWING what I had is better than not knowing if I am at serious risk. I harbor no illusions about any notion of an "immunity passport" and I'll still wear a mask and gloves when out and about, but I will have at least some peace of mind.

If you are in L.A. County and want an antibody test OR a diagnostic test, go HERE. .

It’s FREE to all L.A. County residents.

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