You are about to be surprised by what I am about to say. Donald Trump will be remembered as one of the greatest presidents in history. Why? Because he ripped the scab off the festering sore of racism that has existed for centuries, and exposed many of those who supported him for who they are.... Vile and despicable white supremacists who long for the day that they can once more lynch innocent men, women, and children. Now that the public has opened it's eyes, Confederate statues, built during the 1950's to put the "blacks" in their place, are all coming down. The lie that Confederate flag represents "culture" has been laid open to the bone, and people are now burning those flags. Crooked KKKops who used to walk away from murder raps are now being arrested and tried for their crimes. And the Republican Party that embraced all of these criminals is being called to account for their actions and inactions. The American people are finally "WOKE", and this Genie is never going to be put back into the bottle.

All of this is because of you, Mister President. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. But don't think that, because of the service you performed for America, that I would ever vote for you. You will be defeated in November, and will eventually die alone, unwanted, and ignored. This will be your legacy for our nation.