Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
...There are a lot of people who tested positive by PCR, but never develop antibodies. One theory is that their innate immune system cleared the virus before their adaptive immune system got around to making antibodies. Antibody production actually takes more than 10 days, and if your mild infection only lasts 5 days antibody never happens.

He showed a preprint of a study that found some people with symptoms who had positive PCR tests, and then some of their family members who did get symptoms but were never tested. Hardly any of them had antibodies, but when they tested their T-cells against SARS-COV2 antigens, they were all activated. This is the path in the immune system that is quicker and does not make circulating antibodies. It is also the path that does not lead to memory B-cells....
I have never had one childhood disease. Not one. In January 1995, i got the newly developed chicken pox vaccine because I just graduated from college and I was just hired by the Berkeley School District and I was concerned about getting chicken pox as an adult.

Four of five exes developed HIV after we broke up and has since passed away. Still negative on my part.

I often wonder if my own immune system has kept me safe from harm. Hmm

Contrarian, extraordinaire