I dunno that the real world is much different from the military. Didn't matter to me whether the drywall guy was black or white, didn't matter if the superintendent was Mexican. Black nurses work hand in hand with white nurses. Black mailmen deliver the mail the same as brown or white ones.

The boss is the boss no matter what color he/she is. Assh*les come in all shades and genders.

There is just as much racism in the military as there is out of it.

Our own white privilege blinds us to it sometimes.

The whole argument isn't about lives mattering...they don't. The argument is that police shouldn't shoot fleeing suspects in the back and they should not strangle them once apprehended.

And they need to stop this trend of very publicly killing people on camera and denying that they did it while defending their right to kill anyone at any time without any repercussion and maybe even admit that they seem to do it most to black people, almost as if black people's lives really just didn't matter any more than a mosquito or roach.

America is divided right now about whether we want police brutality or not. And oddly, just like everything else it has split on party lines.

Wearing a mask...

paying a living wage...

Trayvon Martin...

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...