Its even worse than that. This morning they were interviewing city and county medical administrators. Their lives were actually being threatened. Some had quit and others were sticking with it but they were very unhappy. Their homes were also being threatened and staked out. This, apparently, was about their "freedom" to kill their neighbors because its in the constitution.

If nothing else its a great example of the 'magic' of Trump. I saw him in a meeting with his virus group. The only people wearing masks were the doctors - nobody else.

I find this all very strange. If, for instance, everybody had gotten on board when this thing started, paid attention, masked up, etc. our businesses would be up and running, as would our schools. Instead we have these freedom loons that are contributing to the ongoing virus threats and its actually getting worse! New York, that did it right, is now watching its borders for the infected getting in and starting it all over.

Seems we are people with a serious number of sel absorbed loons. OH, the masking thing was ruled on, a long time ago. The law says that masks can be enforced! Goes something like; "You don't have the right to put the lives of your neighbors at risk".