Originally Posted by Greger
So what's the breakdown this year? Neither candidate is worth a flying poke at a rolling doughnut. I suppose there are people who actually WANT Joe Biden to be president. I'm not among them.

I know there are some who WANT Trump to win a second term. I'm certainly not among those either.

A beauty contest? Between septuagenarians? Is there gonna be a swimsuit portion?

America loses if either candidate is elected. But I'm afraid the America we have known and loved is lost anyway.
Okay, as of 4 Aug 2020. First all adults, Trump 40% favorable, 57% unfavorable. Biden 43% favorable, 49% unfavorable. Second, registered voters, Trump 41% favorable, 58% unfavorable. Biden 49% favorable, 49% unfavorable. Third, I always like to include independents and independents only as they make up 40% of the electorate today, Trump 35% favorable, 57% unfavorable. Biden 32% favorable, 51% unfavorable.

Go back to 2016 with Hillary Clinton, election day. She was seen 38% favorable, 56% unfavorable, but among independents and independents only, 27% favorable 70% unfavorable.

Side by side, nationally registered voters, favorable, Clinton 38%, Biden 49% favorable, national registered voters, unfavorable, Clinton 56% unfavorable, Biden 49%. Finally, independents, favorable Clinton 27%, Biden 32%, independents unfavorable, Clinton 70%, Biden 51%.

51% isn't anything to crow about in the independent unfavorable column, that's a majority of independents who view Biden unfavorably. But compared to Hillary Clinton's 70%, that is great news. Biden is doing better among the beauty contest voters. Today's or as of 4 Aug 2020, Trump is at the same 57% unfavorable among independents as he was back in Nov 2016.

Fact is though, independents are still very much in flux. they don't like Trump much, but are still up in the air over Biden.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.