Originally Posted by Greger
But Trump knows that it's all about perception. The gesture was entirely symbolic, it's all smoke and mirrors aimed at getting votes.
Exactly. Trump is all about making the sale and doesn’t give a shiit about delivering a quality product (or any product at all).

On the subject of voting by mail, Trump and DeJoy may be right - the USPS should be run more like a business, and shouldn’t be propped up to deliver “mail” in an antiquated way.

I agree that we should be voting by email, rather than snail mail, and especially instead of actually physically showing up at some polling site where there are so many clumsy inefficiencies in process and handling. (Think of the wasted time and gas, not to mention the wide open opportunities for fraud, what with the incredible availability of hats, realistic masks, and fake moustaches from Amazon with free one-day shipping. I hear from good authority that people are voting in person six, eight, sometimes a hundred times that way!)

A basic Doodle Poll is the correct model of modern elections. No waiting, no miscounting by corrupt Democrats, and the results would be emailed to everyone... sweet!

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller