Harris was born in Oakland California and under the 14th amendment, that is enough. But accusing a political opponent being either foreign born or ineligible for the presidency isn't new.

There was a lawsuit filed and then withdrawn against Goldwater in 1964. He was born in the Arizona territory prior to Arizona becoming a state.

In 1968, George Romney, Mitt's father was accused to being ineligible to become president because he was born in Mexico. Both his parents were American citizens and were on a mission to Mexico for the Mormon Church. Nothing came of it since Romney failed to win the nomination.

John McCain was born in Panama, his parent were there on official United States military duty. There was talk about McCain also being being ineligible for the presidency being born outside of the U.S.

Remember Ted Cruz, born in Canada, he too was accused of being ineligible because of that.

Of course let's not forget the accusations against Obama for being born in Nigeria when he was born in Hawaii. Speaking of that, Chester A. Arthur was accused of being born in Canada, not Vermont in 1880. Add Charles Evans Hughes to the list, Hughes being accused of being born in Wales, he was born in New York State. Hughes challenged Wilson in 1916.

Now Harris is a first, no one is saying she was foreign born like all the others. She's ineligible just because both parents were foreign born. But this accusation of being ineligible can be traced all the way back to 1880.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.