Impeachment was the moment people began to pay attention

There's some truth to that. It takes a lot to get "people" to actually pay attention to politics at all, except for the punch lines on late night tv.

I'm obsessed with politics. It's a dark game played with real lives. It's real children that are starving while the aristocrats enjoy luxuries beyond our imagination. Like dragons sitting on their hoard of wealth they think nothing of the scorched countryside and the bleached bones.

The Will of The People is broken. It's beyond their control, like the weather. Voting is a meaningless gesture when a candidate wins by Three Million votes but loses the election.

Millions upon millions will sit home November 3rd because they literally don't give a f*ck.

Impeachment was a spectacle. It turned heads, most didn't understand it because they didn't know the rules. But they knew there would be winners and losers so the game was on. He got impeached...but it meant nothing and changed nothing.

Trump won. Boring.

Election coming up...Biden vs Trump...again it's a competition so everybody kind of watches the race but doesn't really care who wins.

Like slaves before the whip, they have little time or attention to spare for their bosses fighting in luxurious offices over their rations of gruel. They no longer have hope they will thrive or prosper and struggle only to survive.

This is where we find ourselves.

And the obeisance of the Republican Party to the fat lazy fraud is astounding. That there is even a debatable chance he might win this upcoming election is more than I can fathom.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...