This election so far has been all about getting rid of Trump, not electing Biden or Democrats.

Most of the other candidates actually had plans for the country and boldly announced them. Even Harris ran on progressive platform.
Biden never promised anything except that he could beat Trump.

He stole his biggest line from Senator Elizabeth Warren...An economy that works for everyone. He's cherry picked the progressive agenda for talking points without substance.

Americans, including yourself, Pero, are scared of candidates with visions or plans. Scared of leaders who will lead us out of this mess. Scared of candidates who want to give the power back to the people as it was promised in the Constitution.

The only way a new government could impress you was if they did nothing for the first two years in power.

No liveable wage.

No healthcare for the poor.

No relief from oppressive "college loans".

No movement on immigration

No climate change mitigation

No police reformation

No Cuts to military spending

(and read my lips)

You gonna be a happy man with Biden and Harris! because your gonna get none of that and more!

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...