Yeah, I pretty much lack for nothing, but most of that was because of the decisions I made in my life. A lot more right than wrong. Then again it wasn't my decision to get drafted. But once I did I found out being in the army wasn't bad, in fact it was easier than working on the farm during the day and in an old pig iron foundry at night. So I made it a career.

Once the people get out of the whirlpool onto dry land from the antics of Trump, I just don't think they want to be thrown right back into that whirlpool with a ton of new programs. They want a time to dry off first and get to know what it means to be back on solid ground.

Immigration reform would be nice and needed. Coming up with a plan to give those who don't have health insurance, insurance without upending the whole apple cart would be good.

I'm not against many of the things you mentioned. I'm saying be careful or you'll be back on the outside in a heartbeat. If you're going to take folks out of their comfort zone, they better understand why and they better be informed what comes next.

I've seen way too many presidents who's party controlled congress go off and pass things their party's base wanted without informing America as a whole to what lies ahead so all Americans would understand it. It's became a one and done when the first midterm came around.

This happened to Bill Clinton and to Obama. Both took their base priorities, got them passed and both lost congress. People need to be informed so they understand what's coming.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.