all those folks who just lost their insurance with their jobs just need to call ACA and they'll be covered?

As a matter of fact, yes! Losing a job that supplies health insurance means you can sign up for ACA immediately, and they will put you in the Medicaid system if that was your only income. If you had a two income family, you will probably end up on subsidized ACA. Since I've been retired (and on Medicare) my wife's ACA has been free the first year, and about $80 a month the second. Now that she's on Medicare she has to pay more and get less!

Medicare For All would just be a bit simpler and save about 15% for people with high income who have to pay. It would NOT give everybody free medical coverage. Even Medicare as we have now costs money for people who can afford to pay it, and even more for people with a lot of income.

People say ACA was a crappy bill, but they are evenly divided between Republicans who don't want poor people to get any benefits and Socialists who want free medical care for everybody. Then there are a lot of complaints about the high cost of health care, which is a different problem all together. ACA is a medical insurance access law. Costs are determined between your provider and your insurer.