I am hoping, should Trump go down, that the Dems have the common sense to realize that Covid-19, if nothing else, has proven that we have a healthcare system which is an failure, an embarrassment, has poor result against other systems and needs to be replaced.

My other hope is that they do not even so much as talk about it until they have the reins as that would only serve to give the righteous right ammunition to scare everybody with. They have, incidentally and so far, been able to tone down the rhetoric of the self proclaimed socialists, self proclaimed progressives, etc. Bernie, for instance, lost the Democratic nod because he insisted on being a socialist and there is simply no way he could have won the presidency for the same reason. The dedicated lefties just don't get it. They think they should be anointed and screw the election stuff and that's just not gonna happen. The trick is simple keep your powder dry, win the election and THEN have at it! If they can manage to keep their mouths shut the Left/Dems just might win!

Their error, I think, is that they believe everybody thinks like them because they rarely speak with anybody else. I have always believed that is the very worst thing that a politician can do because they get a screwed view of the world. This is doesn't just apply to an individual but groups of the like minded. If a politician, or group, is willing to listen to everybody that gives them a better picture of the reality they have to function in. Trumpies, for instance, only watch Trump news and only really speak to one another. I fear the socialist/progressive wing of the Dems are the same. The only real difference, between the two, is that the Trumpies were able to get rid of almost all Republicans that didn't agree with them. The Socialist/progessives of the Democratic party have, I think, made runs at that but have failed which is a good thing - otherwise we would be having a civil war right now!

Sorry - couldn't resist.....