The military didn't create itself, ya know?

Just like construction work, it's a job. But with great benefits.

I think there are two choices when you graduate from high school, go to college or join the service. Either of those things will tell future employers that you have to gumption to take on assignments and complete them, to stick with something, to work well with others. Essentially, that you can be trusted to some extent.

My draft card said 4F so that was never an option. Vietnam was raging and I already had some friends come home in boxes so it wasn't all that attractive anyway.

I was way too cool to go to school so I willingly gave up the other one. Probably the biggest mistake of my life but I learned a trade, started a business, and had a wonderful life. Up until 2008 when the housing market crashed.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...