CDC leadership has now been subverted: They changed their website to say that not everybody exposed needs to be tested and redefines teachers who have been exposed as "essential workers" who should keep on teaching.

This was NEVER the definition of "essential worker": It meant somebody who should keep on working despite a general lockdown. NEVER somebody who had been exposed, who might spread the disease. These are all Trump's ignorant ideas, that he thinks are going to help him get reelected. But in reality, they will have the opposite effect by spreading the virus and killing more people.

It is true that everybody exposed doesn't need to be tested because some exposure is so complete (like married couples) that the spouse of a known Covid-19 patient, with symptoms, can be safely assumed to be infected. But that person has to go into quarantine, NOT PASS IT TO A BUNCH OF KIDS!

Some people at CDC need to be fired and lose their medical licenses. The Governor of California has already announced the State of California is going to ignore this lethal advice.