I said awhile back that if these protests continue, there could be a backlash. I sat on that as until now, I didn't see any. But that backlash may be just beginning.

"New Yahoo News/YouGov poll: Will Kenosha backlash swing suburbanites to Trump? What the data says (so far)"


Keep in mind, the article states, "So Far." That is exactly correct in my book. Is this a trend that will continue or just a one time blip on the radar screen? It bares watching.

Biden has seen a 7 point lead on 14 Aug in Wisconsin drop to 4 points as of 1 Sep. Biden's 6 point lead in Michigan dropped from 6 down to 2 over the same time period. In Minnesota, Biden's 13 point lead is down to 5. These are the states where the protests have taken place and Michigan, next door.

Oregon hasn't been polled recently, so it's hard to tell what is happening there. Biden had a 20 point lead in July. One should expects ups and downs, all elections have them. Give this two weeks and we'll take a look at it again. By that time we should be able to tell if this is a new trend or if it is just the normal ups and downs of any election.

As near as I can tell going through all the state polls, just Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota seems to be effected by the protests. Now the suburb vote, that's but one poll. If it was nationally, one would expect a tightening of the race in the national numbers. So far that hasn't happened. The tightening seem to be in just 3 states. Biden had a 7.7 point lead nationally on 14 Aug and a 7.2 lead on 1 Sep. Considering the margin of error, that basically is no change.


It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.