Perhaps all these protest is now having the opposite effect of what was originally intended.

"How US recovery, chaos in Kenosha and Portland is helping Trump to blunt Biden 'steamroller'"

from the article with the link below.

“What we were afraid of is moderates saying, ‘I hate Donald Trump, but I need to be safe. I have to hold my nose and vote for him,’” Rendell told the publication."

Ed Rendell uses the word monderates, but I know them by other words, independents, swing voters, the non-affiliated and yes, those who's political ideology is somewhere in-between the right, Republicans and the left, Democrats. More or less, folks like myself.

I think we need to remember the two major parties no longer have approximately 80% of the electorate identifying with them as they did back in the 40's and 50's with independents at 20% or below. Today both major parties make up 57% of the electorate, 31% Democrat, 26% Republican if Gallup and Pew Research are to be believed. Independents have grown to 41%.

For the life of me, I have never been able to figure out why both major parties are always concentrating on their base, ignoring independents. I.E. Moderates. Hopefully, Ed Rendell who is one of Biden's advisors, is telling old Joe, don't ignore moderates, independents. If he does, Trump might actually get back into this race. The old political adage for a Democrat should be strictly adhered to, "Campaign left during the primaries, move toward the center for the general election." My two cents anyway. And please Joe, don't ignore those in-betweener's."

And for those democrats among us who don't like Biden moving more toward the center. Remember, first one must win the election before he can govern. Don't let this be lost on you.

Last edited by perotista; 09/05/20 05:05 PM.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.