I've always figured Trump will take Florida. They love him here, practically worship him as the second coming of Christ.

A Trump win in November, here and in other swing states and battleground states is almost inevitable.

Seen any Biden boat parades? Seen any Biden anything? Seen any Biden signs on lawns? Two months from the election have you seen a single Biden bumper sticker?

All we've seen is some polls that Biden is barely ahead in...mostly within the margin of error or a couple points above it.

Florida's Latinx vote is split between Cubans and everyone else. Mexicans don't care much for Trump as you can imagine. Nor do Puerto Ricans. Central and South Americans are split but it's hard to get a handle on that group.

There's a big economic divide...rich Hispanics of all nationalities trend Republican because of taxes.

Basically our Hispanic population is about as divided as the rest of the nation. Roughly 50/50.

It's going to be a matter of turnout and there's no excitement on the Democratic side. Biden might still win because there is, if nothing else, a burning resolve among liberals that Trump must go.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...