I must wonder if Trump isn't trying to lose this election by doing and say very dumb things.
While all these things might seem very dumb to us, his millions of devout believers think they are the wisest words and actions imaginable. They are genuinely amused by the fires out west as those are Democratically controlled areas and essentially the enemy. California, Oregon, and Washington are getting what they deserve.

The disgraced generals and military leaders are getting what they deserved as they have proven disloyal and seek only war. Trump is the only one who speaks truth and all others are lying about everything.

In a sane world Biden would be up in every poll by 10 or more. As it stands he will probably win but the election results will be called into question by His Majesty and the new Democratically controlled government will be seen by them as illegitimate. They will go once again into "taking their country back" from the coloreds and communists.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...