At the moment, there are two different perspectives on the state of the presidential election. Some journalists regard the races as “stable,” pointing to polls as evidence, and some of the latest analysis also says a “stable race continues.”

Others say the race is "steady" and call former Vice President Joe Biden’s lead over Donald Trump the “steadiest” on record.

This debate is of course semantics — both terms reflect the same reality. Biden currently has a lead in both the national polls and in key swing state polls. In fact, he’s had that lead all year, with his poll numbers spiking most recently in June, and he has maintained the lead since then.


The lack of movement in the polls is bad news for Trump and his chances of winning in November. Trump is behind in the polls, and if things stay the same, Trump will lose. The longer that the presidential race goes with polling numbers holding steady, the less time Trump has to erase his deficit.

- Slate.com

Contrarian, extraordinaire