and you believe that 4 years of preparation by Mr Trump was for show?????

Suppose on Nov 3 (or in the following days) we learn VP Biden won. You know Mr Trump is out ... I know it .... but does Mr Trump know it? Mr Trump may ( and I can only speculate based on his personality disorder) not accept that reality as his own. He has told his supporters the only way the Democrats could win is if they cheat. If I were a narcissist I would start the machinery already in place to maintain the delusion. He would send AG Barr into action .... he would call on Republican states to disqualify the votes as fraudulent ... he would call on the courts to support him. So by Jan 6 there may not even be an electoral college vote. VP Biden can't inaugurate himself (unless he thinks he's Napoleon) and we would still have the current occupant remaining in the WH. My use of the words is a metaphor for the fountain of power from whence Mr Trump will claim the office.

I am perplexed when people do not see this as a real possibility. Check the video of Mr Trump pushing aside Montenegro PM. Why would anyone think he would go willingly or quietly????

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!