I've said before, polls give you a snapshot of where things stand today. I like RCP as they average out all the recent polls minimizing the effect of a skewed poll. Yet, that snapshot doesn't mean November, it means today.

As for the future, you can look for trends which a long period of polls will provide. Perhaps looking at the last six months of polls, there hasn't been a trend. By that I mean Biden has been steady within the 48-50% range, Trump within the 41-43 point range. No jumps up and down.

I never seen a race as steady as this one has been. During the six month period in 2016, Trump fluctuated between 35-43 while Hillary was between 40-46. You had a trend where Trump trailed by six, took the lead by one, then Hillary short up to a 7 point lead before ending on election day with RCP averages stating she would win the popular vote by 3 points. She won it by 2 well within the MOE of plus or minus 3 points.

So we had a trend at the beginning of 2016 going Hillary's way, then Trump's, back to Hillary's and toward the end of October, first part of November, the trend went back toward Trump. No trends so far in 2020, No 6,7, 8 point fluctuations.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.