Aw, c'mon Rick. Our whole society and political economy runs on anecdotal evidence. Heck, our politics are nothing more than warring Madison Ave. ad accounts subsidized by rich people to push the best mascot out for a minority of voters to chose.

Commodifying surveys and the attendant huckster Numerologists to explain them to us thru corporate media channels isn't exactly the same as isolating isotopes is it?

But I take your point. My location would be anecdotal, I suppose, but yard signs turned out to be a key indicator of voter enthusiasm in the key battleground states of 2016, no?

Hey, why not conduct a Rant survey?

Upstate NY- Liberal suburban enclaves are Biden by 70% if there's a colledge or large school in town. Wealthy west lake roads are mixed. East lake (less wealthy but still expensive) has more Trump v. Biden 65/35 maybe. Rural spaces between are solid Trump. Like 80%.

That's actually better than what I saw in 2016 for Hillary.

Whichew got?

Last edited by chunkstyle; 09/30/20 03:26 PM.