Trump inherited Obama's economy due to the actions taken by Obama - and the Federal Reserve - in 2009 were pivotal to saving the U.S. economy and laying the groundwork for a great post recession economy - until Trump messed that up too.

Obama's corporate bailout and abandonment of workers created an economy that worked for the top 10% while everyone else struggled. It was a façade, Trump helped prop it up but the 'rona came along and kicked all the props out and it all came crashing down.

It was the "working class" who elected Trump...and who worship him still. All the millions of people who lost their jobs and homes while Obama bailed out banks and automakers. Obama might have saved the economy but he did nothing for most workers.

When the ACA became the law of the land, full time jobs ceased to exist. Workers had to have two, or even three jobs to make ends meet and none of them provided healthcare. Jobs were scarce right up until the end of the Obama years and wages stayed flat while corporate profits soared.

Once again we witnessed a predictable economic crash when a predictable pandemic struck...and a predictable bailout of corporations and soaring profits for the corporate class as workers struggle to survive.

Joe Biden panders to unions and workers but has deep ties to the Corporate Overlords...his administration is also pretty predictable.

...just as is the gold plating of the Harris turd as the chosen heir to the throne.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...