Don’t know if anyone follows Michael Moore’s ‘Rumble’ podcast but ep.116 was a white hot one straight outta Flynt. Really goes to the heart of the problem with Democrats and their party. Poor Mike. I’ve been an admirer of his work and felt ‘Roger and Me’ was his great American novel.
Listening to his guest and him vent their anger and frustration at the Biden campaign over its crapping on Detroit and Flynt by parading the endorsement of former Governor Schneider made me realize something. Mike hasn’t fully come to terms with the Democratic party’s decades long realignment. He Doesn’t want to understand that the party of his Union member father and uncles is now the party of Rockefeller.
That’s fine for most Liberals that have no real problems. For those in Flynt and the rest of the sacrifice zones thru out the country, it’s been a slow motion train wreck.
If Biden does blow it in Michigan, at least after listening to this episode, we’ll have some clues why.

Or we can always talk about Russia instead. Liberals will always have Putin.

Ep.116 F**k You Flynt!

Last edited by chunkstyle; 10/06/20 02:25 AM.