Racist crime bill resulting in mass incarceration of minorities and exploding the prison population beyond any other country in %'s.

Bankruptcy laws denying citizenry the ability to go bankrupt and dismiss debt.

Backing reactionary conservative judges.

Backing republican congressional candidates over Democrats as recent as 2018.

Corruption and bribery as it pertains to his families dealings with foreign governments. (that one's bobbed to the surface again)

Voting to invade Iraq.

His VP's picks only debate highlight was when she went after him with her 'little girl' moment of Identity Politics.

Can't hit Biden?
The reality distortion field is strong whereas the will to go after him was weak. 'Why?' would be interesting to figure out.

What could possibly be backing him from the drive thru state of Delaware?

Last edited by chunkstyle; 10/19/20 03:35 PM.