Would you please share with us any example of you, PIA, suffering under autocratic rule? I would be curious to know what you think autocratic rule is.

If there has been lawlessness what was it that is distinct from previous Dem administrations?

There was lawlessness within the DNC during both primaries but I never heard a peep from Liberals. Wassup with that?

Obama killed U.S. citizens without trial... Crickets.

Your boy Biden passed him some laws. What a money maker those laws have been for some...

Liberals sense of indignation over legal transgressions are variable at best.

The popular will of citizens have had almost no effect over what laws get passed in this country for some time. For your future reference, it's the donors who craft laws, not voters.

Ballot initiatives may make it thru but that, too, is no guaranty the will of voters will be carried out in good faith by legislatures. Florida's felon voter right recently undermined is a handy example.

Sorry, not buying your imagined change within the two party structure. Change will only come from outside,IMO.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 10/19/20 10:19 PM.