Medicare has popular support. More since Covid hit. Your slow and steady rational is a bit of projecting, I’m guessing. It may feel comfortable to your sensibilities but I would point out that Trumps insurgency campaign was neither slow nor steady yet won anyhow. He understood some truths that the complacent class was and still is unwilling to recognize.

History is littered with sudden fits and upheavals. I like your relaxed confidence Perisota. It would be more convincing to me if I was not paying attention to the world around me and accepting where it is.

Democrats scuttled a way out in the primaries. The addled Biden, having authored so much of our current situation, will not solve the current and enormous problems. I guess we’ll see how it goes, a boomer interregnum period where their golden years go undisturbed? Possible, but there’s a lot of tinder out there with 40 years of neoliberal asset stripping and austerity. I don’t see the current operating system going another thirty without crashing first.

Massive overleveraging in the financial sector. High levels of personal debt. Widening income inequality, growing poverty and deaths of despair. The needles have been going into the red.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 10/20/20 02:39 AM.