My condolences to your family for the loss of your mother PIA. While I work to keep my mom safe, keeping her out of the grocery stores and running her errands, I fear I could bring it to her doorstep myself or have it slip in some other way.

But here's the rub. What's the difference between losing a loved one due to country club incompetence or the inability to afford the worlds highest healthcare costs due to political venality and free market fleecing?

While you hate Trumps inability to grapple in any effective way with a public health crises, being to distracted with his own narcissism and a white house staffed with multi level marketing grifters hoping to steal anything that's not nailed down, what do you think people who've lost loved ones due to medical treatment costs must feel to the liberals worship of free market ideology distributing healthcare?

According to latest studies, apx. 45K deaths/ year are due to unaffordability. It's no mystery who benefits from this arrangement with campaign donations. Your boy Biden's done well here. He's taken money from AHIP which fights against any meaningful public healthcare. So while you've taken a devastating personal hit I wonder at your support of an existing market system that kills 45K annually and a candidate who's is committed to that system.