“The USA stands alone as the only high-income country not to provide health care as a human right, leaving almost 80 million of its citizens without adequate insurance.1, 2, 3 In a 2020 study, we found that securing quality health care for the entire country would save 68 000 lives and 1·73 million life-years annually.4“


Medicare expansion is available only with means testing. You need to be at or below poverty level. Currently around 20k. Above that and you are exposed to high deductibles and co-pays making it horrendously expensive for average wages.
The flaw with liberalism is its market fealty and means testing that has produced the worlds most expensive healthcare industry with poor results.
Liberalism ideologically opposes ‘universal’ concepts. A belief in equal ‘opportunity’ with limited government assistance while opposed to equal outcomes is a core historical belief. Let’s be honest here. If you break down liberalism’s demographics, it has more to do with maintaining class distinctions than it does efficacy or rational resource distribution. Ie: liberal requirement for means testing to patrol and secure class boundaries. If 65k have to die to police those class divisions, liberals will shrug and point out the moral failings if it’s victims while ignoring the structural flaws of a system that kills thousands.