Are you supporting health insurance companies over universal healthcare, as Biden has declared in tonight’s debates? If so, why?

I'm actually in favor of British-style National Health. Not MediCare For All, because my Medicare drug coverage copays actually costs me about $6000 per year, while my Blue Cross had a much lower copay cost. The problem is that Medicare drug costs have a weird donut hole and then Catastrophic Care level coverage has the patient paying 5% of the drug retail price. Combine that with drug companies charging any price they like with a monopoly on a new drug for many years, and voila: Drugs seniors can't afford.

BUT, (and this is a very important BUT), Democrats barely got ACA made into law over 10 years ago, and Republicans have been doing everything they can think up to kill it ever since. So I believe that in the real world, ACA was the best we could do then. Even including a public option stopped passage until it was removed. That's just how real politics works. You can't take your opponents in Congress out back and shoot them. People in their states or districts vote them in and they get to vote on bills. Want to change things to be better? Change voter's hearts.

Democrats might vote for National Health, if they get enough voter support. Republicans never will.