Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
The problem with open primaries is that one party can tell their supporters to vote in the primary for their preferred candidate in the other primary. Probably not a good thing.

Even in states with closed primaries, we have seen this "opponent selection" already: Republicans have never much attacked Sanders because they felt it would be a slam-dunk to defeat him.
They're may be right.

"Socialism and Atheism Still U.S. Political Liabilities"


I'm sure you would have seen a ton of TV ads where Sanders himself was describing himself as a Democratic Socialist. Perhaps even a split screen of Sanders and Stalin or something akin to that.

Would it have worked, most likely. Especially among independents who quite a lot still equate socialism with communism. At least the older ones and it's the older ones who vote.

The Democrats would accept him, vote for him. Republican wouldn't. But that's true of any candidate they put up. The problem comes from independents who usually decide national elections. Only 45% of them would even consider voting for a socialist. Which means 55% would be voting against him at a minimum.

One thing for sure, if Sanders had won the nomination, the general election campaign would be a very nasty one. Even nastier than any we have ever seen.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.