I get laughed at a lot whenever I bring up the charisma thing on another site. But look at some history.
1976 Carter was the down home boy, that's good. Both Jimmy and Ford didn't really have much charisma. Carter won'
1980 Reagan had charisma up the ying yang, he won big over the down home boy who didn't have charisma.
1984 Again it was the charismatic Reagan over the non charismatic Mondale.
1988 Neither Bush nor Dukakis had any charisma. Dukakis might have won if he'd stayed out of that tank. He looked plain silly.
1992 Our boy Bill Clinton was very charismatic, he won easily over the non-charismatic Bush.
1996 Charismatic Bill all the way of a dour Dole.
2000 Once again a down home boy was pitted against a statue. The Statue lost.
2004 Statue number II lost to down home boy II. Bush over Kerry
2008 Obama once again brought charima to the fore front winning easily over a not very charismatic McCain.
2012 Charismatic Obama once again wins over a not charismatic Romney.
2016 I don't call Trump charismatic. Others do, I call him an obnoxious, egotistical opportunist. but he did win over an aloof, elitist Hillary. I suppose one could say Trump had a bit more charisma than Hillary being a TV reality show personality.
2020 Obnoxious vs. adult. The adult will soon be declared the winner. This election was all about Trump, I'm shocked he did so good. He made it close when I thought it would be an easy 5-8 point win.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.