the trick, I think, is that if everybody had a supply of these things, as well as bars, restaurants, barber shops, etc. gave one to anybody who wants to come in then they could all join back up with the good old days. Everybody should probably also still wear face masks but still. Should also test everybody who works too!

The real trick will be to get a regular test if you are positive to find out if you should hide out at home or go into the hospital. This would also give gov what they need to know about covid-19 whilst allowing them who are not infected to get on with their lives.

In a perfect world this should, pretty much, deal with Covid-19 until the wonder vaccine appears (good for a minimum of one entire year, 95% effective, free, works on all age groups, and no side effects)

Last edited by jgw; 11/06/20 08:29 PM.