Originally Posted by chunkstyle
[quote=logtroll]Something about the presidential politics has just not been adding up for me. The recurring root question is, “Why does anybody fall for the obvious con that is the substance of Trump?” All those lies, the divisive, self-serving rhetoric, the complete absence of ethics and honesty.
See, my original statement was not about why people fall for what Trump promised, but why they believe him when he lies. (He lies about nearly everything, you know.)

When a Dem makes promises, why don't more people believe them? I say charisma is a major factor. Do I want to see a charismatic liar leading the left? No.

Do I think a stellar candidate on the issues can win without charisma? No.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller