Another study of Vitamin D comes to us from India: Blind, randomized, with Vitamin D arm and control arm. They selected patients for their trial with positive PCR tests and deficient Vitamin D levels. They gave the test arm patients 60,000 iu of Vitamin D3, the control arm patients placebo.

The results are much faster virus RNA clearance, and much lower fibrinogen levels. That is an indication of clotting. p < 0.05 for both. They used Vitamin D3 orally, like anybody can buy. This has to be converted by the liver into 25(OH)-Vitamin D in the blood stream, which takes several days. The liver can only do that so fast. They actually measured that conversion, and found 2/3 of their test arm got up to 50 ng/ml within a week. Not so coincidently, that corresponds to when many of their test arm patients were clearing their viral load.

So this study does confirm that normal D3 as widely available is very useful for Covid-19. The previous Spanish study used 25(OH)-Vitamin D, to get the blood level up immediately, with even better results.

It's getting rather suspicious that major peer-reviewed journals are publishing these papers, and WHO, NIH, FDA, CDC, and similar institutions in other countries have failed to even mention this on their web sites.