Okay, I want to back up a step or three. We’ve all referred to proven paternity as (more or less) an instrument of (legal) force, to be used on unwilling fathers to force support, mainly financial. Melanie adds social support. But the original question was more broad: Why does paternity matter?

In the other thread, someone referred to a social need to keep sex within the marital, oh, let’s call it an agreement.

My response was that sexual restriction began a very long time ago to ensure paternity, for the purpose of wealth and inheritance, and I think modern paternity tests are part of that long line. (What was Arthur’s retrieval of the sword from the stone, if not a paternity test?)

So I’m still trying to figure out: other than inheritance and legally enforced support of a child - what reason is there to care about paternity at all?

A 45’s quicker than 409
Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time
Betty’s bein’ bad