Two new papers came out the other day about Covid in sleep-over summer camps. The first was about some camps that went the whole none yards on masks, testing, and quarantine measures: The results were just a few positive test cases of Covid over the two months. The second paper was bout a similar time period in Florida summer camps: No safety measures at all, and as you would expect it was a disaster.

This is very similar to what we see in schools. Schools can be opened safely by following all the CDC and state guidelines. In states where the governor has declared war on public health measures and insists on firing school boards that establish mask mandates, the results are dismal. These people insist on perpetuating the myths that kids do0n't get Covid, and kids can't spread Covid. At the start if the pandemic, everybody was hiding their kids in the basement, so those were true. Now that kids are back out in public and schools, kids get sick and spread Covid to teachers, other kids, and family members. Some kids end up in hospitals, some on ventilators. and some end up dead.

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