Originally Posted by Ken Condon
I buy MSG, Accent, literally by the pound

Why would you buy so much? A little goes a long way. Do you have some sort of food processing business going on?

By the 0.98 Kilos, actually! I was just getting ready to reorder Accent. I fill a small Accent shaker from the 0.98K container, that I bought 613 days ago according to Amazon. That works out to 1.63g/day. 1 tsp of MSG weighs 7.98g, call it 8. That sounds about right, 0.2 tsp/day. I also find that food needs less salt when using MSG, though it obviously has sodium, but much less than table salt.

The suggested dose is 4g/pound of meat (sorry for mixing metric with imperial units) or 4-6 servings of veggies. Rarely does a day go by without at least one meal with MSG, soup, chili, lentil stew, collards with hot sausage, and almost every takeout including savory salads!
Sounds like I might have a little Umami Oedipal problem, so I'm looking into Accent Anonymous!

There's nothing wrong with thinking
Except that it's lonesome work
sevil regit