I have been pondering on one of the news stories about Big Bird catching BurdFlew or some such Burdypox, with variable medical outcomes, depending on Party association. Dems die, Repubs Live and Free, Indecisives purrsistant vegetative state... crazy

Which is a long way of getting around how Big Bird at 8"2 show be cooked if he took a bad turn. I was thinking of a large hot tub and a waterbed bladder for the MOAR SOUS VIDE MAGNUM. During the years Big Bird's weight has been creeping up, as a few of us, from 160 pounds to approaching 300! I dont think a hours/pound formula would work out. I figure 145 F for 24 hrs, with probably some adjustments. Greger will suggest 2-3 days.

So how many people should this serve?
I very briefly considered a whole animal deep fat fry but I think there is an exclusion for that activity in my fire insurance!

Reheated Thai, by the way!

There's nothing wrong with thinking
Except that it's lonesome work
sevil regit