Originally Posted by TatumAH
During the second week of January, the index patient shot and killed a cougar (Felis concolor) near Elk City, Idaho.

On January 26, the man had onset of illness characterized by fever, myalgia, arthralgia, facial swelling, and fatigue.
Well, sir, I used to live in Elk City, Idaho. I had a job with the Forest Service for two summers leading the trail maintenance crew.

I can tell you that this disease would be hard to diagnose among the locals there, as the symptoms were considered the normal state of affairs pursuant to multiple generations of inbreeding (or 'staying pure' as they called it), alcoholism (or lunch and dinner as it was also known, and oftentimes breakfast), and a cultural bent towards moronism (not to be confused with Mormonism).

I'm glad have been able to clarify matters somewhat.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller