Originally Posted by Ken Condon
OK so I was going to shut up (cierra la boca cabron!) but I needed to express this last thought for this evening. In Latin sin means “without” and that is the base for the Catholic word sin. One commits a sin, henceforth existing outside of the godly world. I have never done such as Tat is solely guilty of all of them. And hence absolves me of all of my withouts.

But there is a point I was trying to make here. There are cardinal sins (and I suppose Capital sins) in Catholicism. And in the Philippines a while back there was a literal Cardinal Sin. I’m sorry I cannot make this up so help me Bejezuzzs.

You go my goat on that one, who knew?

I dont really speak Spanish but lived in South America for 2 years. I dont know the meaning of many idioms, but I picked that one up as it was frequently used when I was around??


There's nothing wrong with thinking
Except that it's lonesome work
sevil regit