So here we are.
It’s been Joe ‘the adults are back in the room’ Biden’s pandemic. And what’s changed to help us with, what looks to be the most transmissible disease of the century?
Do they have defenses in depth set up? No, they don’t
Do we have any early treatment protocols? Nope
Did they shut down international travel? No
Have they developed indoor air quality requirements to mitigate viral loads of an air borne disease? Naw.
Have they politicized vaccine uptake? Oh yes, to the hilt.

Should the CDC be burned to the ground, metaphorically, and the earth salted? Absolutely!

I only see the corps in charge pushing a ‘vax’ at the expense of doing any competent public health.

I guess we’ll know in the next month how much the press and politico’s were complicit in selling the Hopium of Omicrom’s mildness. Another take would be how complicit our corporate politics have been to underplay what’s coming and salvage the retail holiday that’s upon us.

Hopefully, no one here will be hit with Omicron and need medical services. I hope this post is hyperbolic, when looked at in January. I guess we’ll know then if there’s been any adults in charge.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 12/16/21 03:02 PM.