“ Keep in mind that we only have ONE sterilizing vaccine: HPV. Every other vaccine on Earth is not”

A vaccine that prevents significant infection and no transmission is one definition of sterilizing vaccine. Jenners smallpox fits that definition, no?

The best you can say about the mRNA COVID vaccines is they limit severity. They do not prevent infection or spreading of the virus. Hence the stupidity of the vaxvaxvax crowds with no attention to public health mitigation. Going all in on a market solution while ignoring public health options.

We’re not even sending out simple Corsi boxes to every school classroom for crying out loud. The laziness and greed of our politics to deal with the current reality seems only matched by the public’s appetite to swallow it.

I’d have to say, like everything else in murica, this pandemic has been dumped into the culture wars by both rightwing camps cuz markets. A pox on both their houses.

Drive safe, don’t take up risky hobbies. Medcorp may be booked up for some time.