Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
around one-third of unvaccinated people cited fear of cost as a significant reason they’ve yet to get the jab

Over 800,000 dead in the US, and they are too lazy to ask anybody where they can get a free vaccine? I don't think so. I think they have other reasons for not wanting to get it, and they use cost as an excuse. There are all sorts of people and institutions they could ask, and be directed to a free vaccine clinic. Hell, their local drug store is probably giving them out for free. But these folks are afraid to ask any drugstore employee? They have to buy food: Around here many supermarkets have pharmacies, and ANY employee of the market would direct you to them for a free vaccine.

I think it's a lot more likely they are afraid. Those "1 case of mild transitory cardiomyopathy per 3,5 million vaccinations" stories in the media have them terrified, even though your chances of getting hit by lightening are seven times higher. These are the folks that are so innumerate they are counting on the lottery for their retirement plan.

And yes, the mRNA vaccines are much more effective than almost any other vaccine ever made. That's not my opinion. It's that of professional virologists and immunologists.

Won’t comment on your condescension towards vaccine hesitancy.
But how can you be taken serious with:

“ And yes, the mRNA vaccines are much more effective than almost any other vaccine ever made. That's not my opinion. It's that of professional virologists and immunologists”

They leak. They allow the virus to be passed to others. They are non-sterilizing and can lead to selective pressure for immune escape. I’m not saying don’t be vaccinated or get boosted but your making some pretty broad claims.

I’d much prefer an early intervention using therapeutics on top of mitigation strategies with vaccines but YMMV.

The level of individual blame on institutional failure is truly off the charts but isn’t that the constant strategy here?

Last edited by chunkstyle; 12/18/21 02:20 PM.