‘ The very good news is doctors report very few Long Covid cases among the vaccinated who get reinfected.’

That is, unfortunately, to soon to call: Long COVID risk no lower with breakthrough infection

The link to the preprint is embedded in article.

‘ We have coevolved to respond well to corona virus infections, even new spillovers from other animals and new antibody-resistant variants. SARS-COV2 kills mostly old people, and in the past centuries that did not matter since all those people would have already been dead from other illnesses. We now have antibiotics and vaccines that extend our lifespans beyond their "design parameters".

Strong eldercide or ‘life not worth living’ Greg Abbot vibe here. Not sure if that was your intent though. I might be misunderstanding your point.

‘ As for "super transmission ability" claims for Omicron (and every earlier variant), I doubt them. Those are based on epidemiological data like spread rate, but a major factor in Rt is human behavior. If people decide they are tired of PPE and distancing, and get together in big indoor gatherings, Rt will shoot up.’

A recent study from a country doing pretty good contact tracing. They seem to have controlled variables so you don’t have to go on your hunch:

‘ Vaccination reduces the risk of delta variant infection and accelerates viral clearance. Nonetheless, fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household settings, including to fully vaccinated contacts. Host–virus interactions early in infection may shape the entire viral trajectory.’

Community transmission and viral load kinetics of the SARS-CoV-2 delta

Looking at the infection rates of SA, Denmark and the UK, I think I’ll go with the data here. Assuming behavior hadn’t changed much between the ongoing Delta spread and the emergent Omicron, the acceleration of infection cases would imply a much higher transmissibility of Omicron. I would think with all the heightened news of Omicron you would see behavior change towards a more defensive posture from the public, not less. Just guessing.

‘If they all did what they have been told about not spreading the virus. it would drop to zero.’

Overlooking the scolding authoritarian tone, you realize people can do as they’re told, still get infected, and wind up with serious perhaps lifelong health complications?
People can’t control air quality of the buildings they work in. I don’t believe the CDC has a legitimate theory of viral transmission yet. As far as I know they have not copped to the primary path being aerosol spread. Accepting aerosol spread would lead to levels of safety in the workplace requirements (another form of public health..) and that’s going to be a financial cost on employers. Or it’s simply incompetence and gross negligence. Remember meat packers?

There’s vaccine hesitancy for a lot of structural reasons. I don’t see any effective strategy from our political class or the health institutions they oversee to address it. A botched job from the get go. Looks only to get worse. Wasn’t there violent protest thruout vaccine history? As far back as the smallpox vaccine? What excuse would you give for the shoddy performance of our political leadership a as nd the health departments to anticipate and overcome this historic occurrence?

I’m surprised you think it’s ok to have people be told they could ditch the mask if they get the jab, knowing what we know about transmissions from those vaccinated.