I guess it did a pretty good job of misleading you then. Anybody exposed to enough Omicron is getting infected. Almost all triple-vaxxed folks may not even notice or just think it's a cold, because vaccination works. Pfizer even came out with a study the other day that said their vaccine works against Omicron. People who were infected a while back and then vaccinated are in great shape immunity-wise. They typically have broad immunity that protects them from any variant. People who were infected and never got vaccinated are a mixed bag: Some get pretty good long term immunity, and some don't. People who have never been infected or vaccinated are at high risk. They WILL get infected unless they are living in a sealed isolation chamber with sterilized air, food, and water being supplied. There is no actual evidence Omicron is any less virulent that any other variant. There also is no evidence it is any more transmissible than any other variant! There IS evidence a lot more people have gotten tired of taking precautions, so they spread it a lot. As a result, there is evidence there is a lot of virus everywhere.

Highly immune populations like the UK (a lot vaxxed, and most of the rest infected) give you strange data when you look at just hospitalized or deaths. Those deaths or ICU patients tend to be ones with very weak immune systems, like old folks.

Educating anyone benefits everyone.