Looks like the expansion of the Empire has reached a full boil and we’re gunna find of a few things in the next coupla weeks.
Not sure how stone cold thrr red Libs are feeling about taking it next level with hypersonic middles pointed straight into high NATO’s back yard. As our ruling classes seem ‘agreement incapable’ and no letter of response has come from our side, we see things moving along certain tracks, though I’m not sure anyone has a handle on it.

A very good assessment of the current situation:

“The Russia-US-NATO-OSCE meetings this week have come and gone. The Russian verdict was succinctly delivered by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Ryabkov, who explained even before the OSCE session was over that the talks have come to “a dead end” and it was unlikely the Russians will participate in any follow-on talks.

This opens the question to what comes next.”

I invite you to place your bets

If I was going to lay money, I’m not sure where I’d land. I would say that the Russian government is extremely tired of getting the arse from the west, the US in particular but has, up till now, shown good diplomacy and restraint, considering all out state and spook hijinks since 92’. I think they are resolved in the matter and who can blame em? Who would appreciate their weapons systems and military units on our borders?

I’d say the situation is moving along the early predictive lines of Doctorow‘s with respect to:

“ So what comes next? In successive articles on this website, I have set out several scenarios, or algorithms. My most recent prognosis in yesterday’s piece was that Putin’s Plan B would likely be purely “military-technical” in the sense of roll-out of medium range nuclear capable missiles in Kaliningrad and Belarus, to place all of Europe under threat of attack with ultra-short warning times, such as Moscow finds unacceptable coming from U.S.-NATO encirclement of its territory.”

It’s been stated these trains are headed west…

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