Coupla things..

“ I only resist spending a lot of time and money on measures of mitigation that don't work. The biggest failure in this pandemic is all the people who refuse to get vaccinated or wear masks when they are needed. Monitoring sewage for viral DNA is nice to get an idea of how prevalent the virus is, but it doesn't actually do anything for anybody. Contact tracing is nice, but it is extremely failure-prone for a virus that is highly contagious days before symptoms appear (and usually they don't). All your "public health mitigations" pale before the lack of vaccinations and masks.”

Ivermectin is cheap. Dirt cheap. The notion of crapping on a readily available, extremely safe drug an opting for very expensive MAB’s in short supply and limited effectiveness across multiple variants is hardly defensible ‘science’. Reads as selective science to me. If other studies of other drugs come along that are as safe, cheap, available and effective for prophylactic use as the horse paste, great!! Get it out to the public then! But that’s not what’s happening. It has t happened throughout the two years of the pandemic.

MAB’s are not intended for prophylactic treatment. MAB’s are for treating the patient after they r been infected. There is no better example of an ounce of prevention costing less than the cure. A prophylactic costing pennies a dose to prevent systemic infection vs. a drug that costs over 2k a dose, is in short supply, is not administered for free, doesn’t sound like sound medicine but does sound like a profit driven model. The government has boughten millions of doses at 2k/dose of MAB’s. They could have stocked every medicine cabinet in America with horse paste (or any other horse paste comparable drug). If Peru could do it and cut mortality by 70% what’s the current administrations excuse? Perhaps Biden’s record of corruption and the appointment of a wall street guy to lead his covid task force might offer clues. But that’s speculation.

Contact tracing can be done right (effective) or wrong (ineffective). As other countries have done it effectively, again, whats the excuse for this sad administration and institutional failure. It looks as though they can’t learn, or won’t, from other countries successes. Again not following the science.

Waste water detection is a leading indicator of where to concentrate resources and activity. Contact tracing would be one of those activities. CO2 level monitoring is an indication of interior air quality. Other countries are using this indicator tool. Corsi boxes are cheap and effective for remediation of viral load. Why are they being ignored?

Vaccines and masks are not going to do it. Not by themselves. A layered approach is the only thing that will and is doing it in other parts of the world. Unfortunately for this country, we have two incompetent right wing political parties that have spent decades cashing in on copper stripping the governments institutions, rendering them incapable of action. The ‘don’t just do something, stand there’ libertarian ideal is now paying harsh dividends for Americans. Especially those deemed essential (though compensation levels for such essential work is inverse to the stated value).

Vaccines, like masks, are a constantly shifting argument. We’ve gone from herd immunity to ‘you won’t get sick and can take off the mask’ to ‘you won’t get sick with a booster and should still wear a mask’ (Rhode Island super spreader breakthrough period) to ‘you’ll get sick but not bad sick with a third jab’ and now, with information out of Israel, ‘fourth jabs aren’t effective help anymore’.

All of which ignores the long tail effects of what a covid infection can do to the individual. Hence my linking to articles showing the evidence of long term organ damage of the vacced and unvaccinated. Or the pesky issue of immune exhaustion and malfunction with repeated jabbing. But it sure sounds like a simple solution.

As far as the class dynamics of this disease, if your wealthy and sitting at home with the means to avoid going out in public and ordering in your treats, your probably fine with jabs and masking. If your not wealthy, have to interact with the public to pay the bills, your probably more exposed to long term tail effects if vax only. But it’s the wealthy classes who keep this virus moving. The poor don’t fly and the virus doesn’t walk across oceans to get here. At over 800k dead and rising, one wonders at the necessity of air travel. As long as the rich fly, this virus will benefit.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 01/25/22 03:27 PM.