I can remember the good old days when we had the draft. I believe that the draft was a solution to a LOT of problems. First, going into one of the services demonstrated that its virtually impossible to be the toughest as one learns rather quickly that there is ALWAYS somebody who can beat your ass. The draft also taught folks that everybody is, pretty much, just like everybody else. Some have different skin colors, some speak differently, etc. what seems to happen is that people tend to get over all that stuff and move on to get along.

I am, incidentally, for the draft! We lost the draft when we started in with stupid wars and mothers decided that their children dying over silly was an error in judgement. Instead we opted to have mercenary armies. That was a major change. Now, when somebody gets killed or maimed the common thought was something like; "he/she chose to be in the military".

I know, much of the above might offend, considered, wrong, etc. The fact, however, remains. as its how we have now and the current military is a LOT different in a lot of ways. I also realize that there are arguments on all sides of this.

I was going to tack this onto an existing topic but thought better of it.